Until Next Time

In three hours time I will sign the legal documents for the sale of my flat. The exchange itself should take place within seven days. Yesterday I was in negotiation with the buyer to agree a date of completion of the sale, sometime in the middle of January. The pace of events is quickening by the day and over the next month I will need to be focussed as never before.
Today I will start the first of many to-do lists, and I have also reached the conclusion that I need to put blogging to one side until I am settled in my new home town.
For some time I have been aware that I want/need a fresh start in blogdom. A Breath of Air will not be therefore be moving with me and this will be its last substantive post.
I don't think I will be able to stop completely, so there will very likely be a new blog launch at some point. In the meantime I plan to do some private journalling; the coming weeks and months will be an opportunity to devote a little time and space to this aspect of my writing.
I will miss ABOA and above all I will miss its readers and commenters. You have given of yourselves so generously. Individually and collectively your words have cheered, warmed and encouraged me. You have made me smile and you have made me think. Your kindness has let me know that I am accepted. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Challenging, exhilarating, often frighteningly emotional, the blog has been a wild ride. At times it has seemed more like a gruelling course of therapy than the relaxing hobby I had imagined. But the opportunities for creativity that it has afforded have been a revelation.
I will be back, of course I will. How could I not return? The thought of a new blog for the new chapter in my life is tantalising and, besides that, I would miss it too much. In the meantime I hope to call in occasionally and visit you at your place ....
Wishing you a happy Christmas and a peaceful and joyous New Year. See you again sometime in 2007?
Congratulations on reaching this "Giant step" in the transition of your life.
I wish you many blessings and unexpected joys as you make these changes.
You will be missed and I will be watching for your new blog with great anticipation...
Happy Holiday to you
Don't want to loose touch with you!
I look forward to your new iteration. Happy chrysalis.
Make sure you let us (me in particular!) know where to find the new blog when it happens. Meanwhile, enjoy the freedom of writing for yourself; speaking from experience on this journey, it's a remarkably productive kind of freedom.
Best wishes for everything, Mary.
As your course in this life's direction changes know that you take us with you. In some way we all have a connection to each other. Your words will be missed yet your spirit will be with us for all times. We know that when you return to the wonderful world of Blog you will make a connection with us once more. Until then I wish you happiness and security. May your holiday be filled with love.
Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year
Hope your transition is a great adventure, Mary. Tons of good wishes to you. See you in a bit!
Oh goodness, there are entries! I'd thought you were still on break and arrived back only in time to for your closing announcement.
Mary - I wish you a lovely Christmas, hope that you find a perfect new home, and very much look forward to your next weblog and reading you again.
Goddess bless. Take good care of yourself - and do write me if you feel like it? I'm coming up on a break from work and will actually have a bit of time to correspond.
I'll miss your writing. I've enjoyed it and getting to know you through it. (BTW, I love the moon for multiple reasons: that it watches over the darkness, casting a sometimes substantial light; that it controls the tides; that it remains always unflustered and serene. I would walk the moonlit path across the water up to it, if that were possible in anything other than my dreams. So I meant the best when I said I hoped it would watch over you!)
Good luck in everything, and in the release your private writing brings. I'll look for you in the new year.
Got that next step then? So pleased for you. Good luck, travel well.
Wishing you a Happy Christmas and a peaceful and productive New Year.
Will keep ABOA on my list to remind me to check back sometime next year. Thankyou also M. for all you supportive comments to this new Blogger:)
Congratulations on your sale, but not sure where you are going?? I guess i will have to wait with bated breath to hear.
Merry X-mas and Happy New Year!!
Best of luck, Mary, and I'll be waiting for your return to these pages in a new form. Will be thinking of you!
Wow, good luck, Mary!! I'm sure you've signed by now. You're a free woman! Looking forward to your return, in whatever form.
Good luck! Happy Christmas! I will miss reading your posts and look forward to the new blog...
You can bet that I'll be wondering about your new adventures — I wish you the very best in everything. I do understand how there are times when it's necessary to put energy into staying grounded, or even just establishing ground. Enjoy the new spaces you will be entering. I'll be missing you and look forward to your return, in whatever form that takes. Good luck with it all!
Dear Mary, I wish you all the best for the time to come and look forward to your next blog with great impatience. Take care!
Mary, this is a beautiful entry. Naturally I wish you the very best; yes, for the holiday season, but in all you do. I'm sure everything will work out wonderful...it WILL be a breath of Fresh Air.
I will look forward to your return.
Great news about the move. Good luck Mary, I hope you will enjoy settling into you new life, meeting new people and getting to know a new town. I look forward to your return. I will miss you.
I hope you have a good Christmas.
Keep in touch.
Best wishes
Thank you, everyone.
Hey, that's great news! Exciting, moving quickly.... maybe too much of a rush through, but, YES, it's all happening!
Good luck with the move, storing or settling in somewhere new...
Best wishes of the season! 2007 looks to be a year of major change!
hugs, love Brenda
Merry Merry Merry Christmas, Mary ... I sincerely hope we hear from you again ... and in the meantime, blessings with the move and the new life!
Many blessings for this big change in your life. I've loved reading your blog, and very much hope to find you again in blogland.
'may the road rise ta meet yer....
da luft allways behind ye...
an awnteel we ear frawm ye egin..
mae ye be palm-held by Gawd.'-c.d.
Best wishes in the new era, epoque, 'chapter' of the journey 'through selves to self'- or whatever it is that artists do...Thanks for the many "shared chapters"...
hi mary,
we had a huge pacific northwest storm and have been without power for 8 nights. expect to be without power until christmas they said tonight when i called again! oh, dear, is this hard and frustrating. in any event, i only read your post tonight about the sale of your flat and the move, the shift in blogging, etc. sounds like i have missed a lot in the past week!
so, let me say that i wish you much happiness in the adventures ahead. the new phases you will enter will be exciting and challenging, i am sure. please do stay in touch. you have my email address, and i look forward to hearing from you from time to time. until then, i send you good wishes for joyful holidays and a prosperous and peaceful 2007.
hugsss, sky
Best of luck, Mary!
Wishing you and your family a Happy Christmas and a Wonderful 2007!
Desejo a você e a sua família um Feliz Natal e Maravilhoso 2007!
Many hugs,
Muitos abraços,
Your Brazilian friend,
Sua amiga brasileira,
Thank you again, all of you, for your kindness.
I'll miss ABOA, Mary. You've been generous in your sharing and I've loved your writing and photography. Please keep me on your mailing list and let me know when the new blog is unveiled. I definitely want to be at the opening. In the mean time, may you walk in grace and joy as your new life unfolds.
Pam: Thank you.....
Happy New Year! Hope you are well!
Leave some tracks, so we can find your new blog when you start it!
You are the second blogger today who is saying good bye.
Good luck in your future endeavors.
Becca, Susan, Chuck, thank you.
I will leave a notification when I start blogging again .. though it won't be for several months probably.
Hi Mary!
Wow it's been so long! Just when I'm starting to blog again you're off..:)It's a good break, definitely. Well, hope you'd be back soon..
Best wishes,
Hi Mary. Hoping all is well!
Apples, Patry: Hi! In the midst of the move and no way of blogging right now. Thank you for coming by. :-)
Mary, good luck with the move. I keep thinking of you, hoping things are going well.
I'll keep checking back. Hoping all is well with you!
Thinking of you. Hoping all is well and you are in your new home.
Hi Mary, I hope has gone well with the move and you are settled in by now. I look forward to your return to blogging.
Hiya Mary,
Just checking in to see that you're still around, and I'm glad to see that things are progressing and you'll be on your feet and blogging again in the future. I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you.
Susanne: Thanks for your good wishes. Progress on the move has slowed down a bit, but I'm still hopeful ...
And thank you, Tky, for continuing to check in. Best back to you. xo
Hi Mary,
hope yr. move went well and you announce soon where you're hangin yr. hat in blogland.
Thanks Rdl. :-)
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