Moving thoughts

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I have been reluctant to blog about my anticipated move - it has felt too much like tempting providence. However, I need to make it more real to myself, and that means writing. Fear of making changes, of taking risks, has already kicked in, but that's never a good reason for continuing an unsatisfactory status quo.
My main reasons for moving are:
- Living Space: I need more, particularly for the massage work. I can't afford to buy bigger in London.
- Stagnation: Time for a change. Fourteen years in the capital is way long enough.
I hope also that I will be happier, healthier, more creative, more environmentally active, more involved in the community, less stressed, more fulfilled, find it easier to lead a balanced life, meet more like-minded people, etc. etc. But I am not leaving myself behind in London. On the contrary I will probably continue on occasion to worry, get stressed, feel like a fish out of water, have anxiety attacks, be slothful and isolate. Overly high expectations don't help.
With that last point clearly understood - and you will have gathered I'm talking to myself here - I am starting to look forward to this new beginning, in spite of my significant apprehensions. Apart from anything else it will be wonderful to have more room and, above all, a garden, yes a garden!
Here's a link to the town, or rather city, in question. My new home as of next year, if all goes according to plan. It is a proper working community, not just a tourist attraction - picturesque though it is in parts - and unlike a good many similar places it hasn't already been overrun by alternative practitioners. There are enough businesses to provide other work, at least at the outset, and the local economy seems healthy enough. For off-duty times, it is in a beautiful part of the country with many wonderful walks, a couple of old friends live nearby, and rather surprisingly the town still has a cinema. Communications are good: it is on a railway line that is unlikely to be axed and it is bicycle-friendly. If I start to pine for big city life, Birmingham is about an hour away and Cardiff a little further.
It also lies close to the boundary between Wales and England, and I have always felt at home in the energy of border areas - I like marshlands for the same reason- neither totally one thing nor the other, but an unsettling yet intriguing mixture of both.
In the last few days I have started going through drawers and cupboards and throwing things out I won't be needing to take with me. The challenge in the next few months will be to embrace the process of transition, to keep the momentum going, to plan ahead but not project, to look forward but also to live fully in the present. No-one is going with me so there will be no-one to chivvy if I don't meet deadlines, or to jog my memory about what I need to do. It's down to me - which is why putting it out there on the blog may be a valuable tool.
I was going to finish here, but I have two questions:
- Is being in the right location important for growth and fulfilment?
- Or is it all an inside job and do we have actually have the potential for contentment wherever we are?
For what it's worth, and paradoxically, I think the answer to both is Yes.
Certainly being in the wrong place can hinder growth. I will never live in Utah again. They don't get my humor at all.
Shall we be your Chorus to urge to to complete deadlines?
Good for you. Just keep in mind how much moving sucks.
Oh my, Mary! I'm so excited for you!:) The place looks fabulous! And yes I agree with you totally in your last two questions...I'm trying to find a good location around where I'm at too...currently the air around us is unhealthy and our apt is surrounded by another...does deter me from looking at the sky, stars and the clouds..sigh...
But here's wishing you all the best in settling in well at your new home next year!hugs*
I agree: the answer to both questions is yes--and I love the way you pose them.
Good luck in your border town. It looks truly wonderful.
Excellently stated questions, Mary. And I'm inclined to agree with your answer. Now, I have to think about why.
I'd say yes to both, too.
And oh the joy (and anxiety) of a shakeup! I'm jealous, even knowing the stress involved.
The place looks gorgeous, Mary.
I wish you a happy transition, the ability to keep juggling the details, and a very good new start.
And smaller places are good for finding like-minded souls, I think. As long as we are not talking tiny places living in the 16th century.
Mars to the MC!
Charge on Aries Moon!
certainly the answer to both is yes; but I think you have the right idea - i think it sounds great - good for you!
Wonderful news here. What I love most is imagining you as a healer! Seeing you in my mind's eye in a "job" you love, making a difference, being proud to discuss your work. And, what a lovely place to move.
You are so brave to be planning this move without a comrade. Let us know how we can help support you.
I was reading about your new city in your link. You know, it is so odd to me to even contemplate the kind of history UK citizens have - one that goes back sooo far. I would be in heaven reading historical markers like you must have there! We are so young here!
Mary, I'm printing out this post to hang on my bathroom mirror, with the third paragraph highlighted. You've done a great job of verbalizing your hopes and expectations. I need to go and do likewise!
And you're so right about the last two questions!
Zhoen's comment about Utah cracked me up. I lived there too for awhile, and yeah, I don't think they get any humor there! (In fact I also worked at Salt Lake City Public Library, which I think is an odd coincidence.)
Yes, yes, and... yes! Oh, Mary, I want you there now. Sorry, my own dreamy impatience surging up! But I think this is wonderful. That part of England is delightful. And I think the answers to your questions are yes, because it all comes down to a sort of juggling act, getting all the parts going together in sync — no one part alone is sufficient, it is the balanced weaving together of the pieces that seems to work. Which means no one piece needs to be hugely difficult (um, save for moving, that IS a big transition) ... but once it's done, for the maintenance... oh, I am happy for what you are doing for yourself!
I, too, would say yes to both. Home is where the head is. It's a bit of a conundrum. Sometimes we are able to see the same old places and same old things with new eyes, and freshen our perspective. Then again, sometimes a whole new vista brings us back around to common themes and variations. It's always what we make of it. I think you'll do well in your new place - it sounds charming. Incidentally, I'm heading out to Hereford Texas (South of Amarillo, north of Abilene) in a couple weeks, but it's not nearly so picturesque.
I've had a lump in my throat as I've read these comments. You have all been so very warm and encouraging.
Zhoen: I'll be watching your progress too. Yes please, a Chorus would be much appreciated.
Apples: There comes a time when you just know you have to move!
Patry, Rdl and Tamar: Many thanks. It's always good to have your visits and comments here. Much appreciated.
PPete: I think you are my first NZ commenter! Welcome,and many thanks.
LJ: Your support here and elsewhere is so very helpful. Thank you.
Sky: After reading comments like yours I already feel I have so much support. And thank you for sharing your "mind's eye" vision. That means a lot.
Jessie: Really glad you foundthis useful. Just writing this stuff down has helped.
Mb: Thank you. Yes it is a lovely area. I so appreciate your enthusiasm, positivity is vital for this kind of big move.
G: Hi, I like your first sentence. So true!
Pf: Thank you. A conundrum yes, but this one has an answer I think. I must Google the Texas namesake and take a peek!
Mary - am a little late with my comment - I haven't looked at blogs for a few days as I am busy with my cousework, A move - how exciting, new beginnings, and a time to sort through all your belongings. I am sure you will love Hereford, I left London many years ago mainly as I wanted to bring up my children in a country area (although I actually live in a country town). I will look forward to hearing all about your transistion to life in the country.
Take care
Yes, I think Hereford will be a breath of fresh air for you - great to have more space and your own garden too.
And it's wonderful to have friends at hand too.
I reckon it will be worth all the hassle of moving house, which is not a lot of fun.
Yes. How wonderful to read of how you are planning and embracing your upcoming move. I've also enjoyed stumbling in here and finding so many familiar and friendly bloggers. Seems to suggest that no matter when or where you go we'll be going with you.
Starnitesky, Justin and Wenda (and welcome Wenda!):
Thank you all - the encouragement really helps.
Oh, very exciting!! I hope it all goes forward as you're planning.
I think the more sensitive you are, the more your surroundings do have a strong effect on you. Yeah, you can adapt and create your inner space, but it takes some energy to fight an external world that's not particularly supportive to your well-being. How much nice to have a supportive environment and free your energy for the things you want to do. My 2 cents' worth!
I just upped and left Central London for the green expanses of Surrey.
My head is still spinning but I guess I must have made the right decision, because when I read this in your blog my heart said "Do it! Do it!".
I'm already excited for you - and for me, to read your writing when you have more room to spread your wings.
Good luck.
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