Thursday, February 16, 2006

A shopping trip

I think this fellow, spotted from the top deck of the bus in Sloane Street,


close to shops like this


and I have similar views on shopping in the West End, particularly when you are in a financially challenging period. To be avoided if at all possible, but sometimes there is no choice.


Crowds, noise, dirt and grime ... the secret is to know what you want, and the location of the shop that stocks it, go directly there, buy it and then leave immediately

but on the way, particularly if you have a camera, you can get distracted ...


whether by colourful scarves ...

Red reflections

or a colourful hairdressing salon ..

Oxford Street lights

and by interesting shapes and light effects ...


and there is even a moment of calm and beauty, looking upwards at Oxford Circus.

View from the bus

But it is still a relief when it's over and you're going home again.


Blogger rdl said...

Really like the photos. The fellow in the first reminds me of my gargoyle pics from Paris that i love.

1:44 pm  
Blogger MB said...

Great shots. You really paint a portrait of a district with these. I especially liked the scarves, but they all work well together.

3:43 pm  
Blogger Dale said...

Yes. & by the way, your new avatar or signature photo or whatever they call it? It's breathtaking.

10:51 pm  
Blogger sonia a. mascaro said...

Mary, I love the photos. It's very interesting these reportage and I am look forward to see many others.

2:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was wonderful, Mary - I loved experiencing the trip through your eyes, and feeling the attraction of the colors, especially. Your photographs are lovely.

3:28 pm  
Blogger LJ said...

Ah the scarves, the shapes...the places of escape in the middle of commerce.
I love these walks and shopping trips.

3:37 pm  
Blogger Jean said...

Comme vous , je suis souvent surpris de voir à quel point , dans la rue , dans les magasins , comme la plupart des gens semblent superficiels , si peu concentrés , motivés .
Ils ne voient pas ce qui les entoure .

6:00 pm  
Blogger Mary said...

Thanks for the comments!

Rdl: oh yes, I know the Paris gargoyles!

Mb: Thank you, I'm fond of the scarves too.

Dale: Thanks :-)!

Sonia: You were one of my inspirations for this! I enjoyed doing it very much and will probably do others from time to time.

G: Hi, welcome. Ah, but I'm a newbie photographer so it's all a bit unfamiliar. I agree with what you say though. Re the 3rd photo, this was taken from the top deck of a bus travelling quite quickly, plus I had to crop out the right side of the passenger sitting next to me. So yes, a bit blurry and distorted. But I think it perhaps because of this provides a more accurate feeling of the energy of a frazzled shopping day than some of the others ...

Beth: Thanks, you are another of my inspirations for taking photos in cities!

lj: It's the places of escape that I seek out now. :-)

Jean: Un plaisir de vous voir ici, et merci de votre commentaire et pour l'inspiration que je trouve chez votre blog.

8:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some nice shots here, Mary. The scarves are colorful, but I particularly like the framing of the lampposts by the buildings to the sides, and the sky above.

1:29 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww Mary, you make me want to visit London again!:)

1:34 am  
Blogger Jean said...

C'est moi qui vous remercie !
Vous avez si bien ressenti ce que je voulais exprimer !
Devant les arbres , je sens tellement fort leur présence et le respect qu'ils méritent !
Leur écorce , c'est un peu leur regard .

12:45 pm  
Blogger Mary said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:02 pm  
Blogger Mary said...

Ginkgo: Thanks, yes I'm getting to like that one too!

Apples: I hope you'll let me know if you do come here again!

Jean: Je suis tellement contente que j'ai bien compris le message de cette photo. Je vous remercie.

6:13 pm  
Blogger herhimnbryn said...

Oh I was back in the UK! Hallo from Australia. I love your blog and images.

2:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will definitely! And so do you if you ever come visit Singapore!:)

9:51 am  

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