Thank you
Following my outburst earlier this week, thank you so much once again to all the commenters - you don't know how much your support, and the sharing of your own experiences, has helped. I will post at least some of my progress on the blog from time to time. It surprises me (well, maybe it doesn't really, given the stigma that still exists in this area) how much easier it was in some ways to tell you, my blog readers - most of whom I have never met - about my anxiety states than it has been to speak of it in real life.
One of the other things that has cheered me in the last few days was coming across Guerilla Gardening, (found here) the website of a group of people who go around planting and gardening during the night in public spaces that need it in various parts of the UK. Mildly subversive, inspiring, both worthwhile and zany at the same time.
Another has been to spend time at A la Recherche de l'Absolu. If you've seen the link on my sidebar and been put off visiting because you don't understand French, don't wait any longer. Jean, whose blog it is, is a wonderfully gifted and sensitive photographer and the photos on his site of the beauty that surrounds him in the the French countryside soothe the soul.
One of the other things that has cheered me in the last few days was coming across Guerilla Gardening, (found here) the website of a group of people who go around planting and gardening during the night in public spaces that need it in various parts of the UK. Mildly subversive, inspiring, both worthwhile and zany at the same time.
Another has been to spend time at A la Recherche de l'Absolu. If you've seen the link on my sidebar and been put off visiting because you don't understand French, don't wait any longer. Jean, whose blog it is, is a wonderfully gifted and sensitive photographer and the photos on his site of the beauty that surrounds him in the the French countryside soothe the soul.
OH, Jean's photos are lovely. Thank you. I had to look through them all. Only wish I had more than a few words of French.
Tell everyone, we all of us have some issue. The next person you tell might need to know that she is not alone, and that you might know how he feels.
When we tell ourselves "If I ever let anyone know who I really am, they will never like me," it is a bitter lie. A corrosive chain on our souls.
Congratulations on your courage, for letting us know.
Glad to hear you sounding better. I look forward to hearing about any help you get in this regard. and echoing zhoen - Congratulations on your courage.
Hi Mary! Only today I read your post about your anxiety attacks and I am glad you are feeling better! I post a late comment on Tuesday, January 03.
Thank you so much for your gentle words on my place. As always, you are very nice!
Thanks for the linkies! There's something about guerrilla gardening that I find appealing. A random acts of senseless beauty and kindness sort of thing, I suppose.
And Jean's photos are wonderful. I'm glad you pointed them out.
Zhoen's right, you know, we never know who needs to know they're not alone. At the same time, I think it takes time to develop the sense of confidence - a confidence that one can take care of oneself in the face of any kind of response - to tell everyone. May it be so for you! I hope you will periodically, in whatever way and to whatever degree feels right for you, update us on how things are going - friends care about friends, after all!
Mary I have only just read your post about anxiety attacks, how brave you are and what courage you have to write about it. I have only experienced anxiety attacks a few times and I know how frightening it can be. You have a lot of support in the 'blogging world', lots of love and healing thoughts are coming your way to help and support you.
Much love
Hi Mary! Just to let you know I've moved to a new abode:)
Will check out jean's photos sooN!
Thank you all for your kind and encouraging words. I can almost feel the good thoughts coming through cyberspace.
Oh, the guerilla gardening is a great idea! Yes, zany and so wonderful. Glad to hear that you're feeling more supported. It's hard when feeling anxious to see outside of it and recognize you're not alone. Best of luck with restoring some balance.
Leslee and MB: Yes, I really enjoy hte whole guerilla gardening concept too. Glad you both picked up on it.
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