Thursday, January 26, 2006


The catkins have appeared again
on the hazel trees by the common,
bearers of dispatches
from the season yet to come;
I noticed them yesterday shivering,
quivering like lambs' tails
but dancing, yes dancing
in the cold, damp wind.

So in spite of the gloom and chill
that still pervades;
the gusts that rattle the panes
of glass today as I sit at the
computer, I have received
a coded message not
to abandon hope.

I have been told that we all
can dance in the greening time,
in Spring; there is no choice,
the seasons follow each other
inexorably. No escape.


Blogger MB said...

Oh, I like this! I expect (telepathy or no) this is a common feeling at this time of year. I always consider February the grimmest month of the year and we're fast upon that month.

I especially liked the way you followed the computer with the coded message — those two images play off each other nicely.

Mary, it's so nice to have you around again, even at an intermittent or modest level. I value your presence here.

6:43 pm  
Blogger rdl said...

Nice ! and nice to see you here whenever the spitit moves you; that's how i'm going to approach i think, no pressure.

9:36 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Lovely! And I must say, Hopeful from the precise center of the heart!

4:01 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your poetry ... it springs from hope.

2:47 pm  
Blogger Zhoen said...


7:17 pm  

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