Joyeux Noel

Rue Ste Opportune, Paris 1er , France
This was my neighbourhood for two of the nine years that I lived in Paris. My former flat is just out of view, further down the pedestrianised street leading off to the right.
A week or so before my final Christmas in the city it started to snow - thick, powdery flakes. Paris does not often experience a white Christmas, and the manager of one of the shops in the quartier, obviously a quick thinker, grabbed a camera, went outside and took this rather nice photo. He ran off several dozen prints which he mounted on card and sold in his shop, very successfully, as Christmas greeting cards. The snow did not settle so I am all the more glad he seized the moment; if I knew his name I would give him the photographic credit, but after eighteen years I hope he won't mind if I don't.
This will be my last post for about a week. I have a friend from out of town staying with me for three days over Christmas and social events before and after, and in addition life has thrown a mini-crisis in my direction. It's not life or health threatening but is nonetheless going to demand a considerable amount of my time and attention well into January. So not much time for sitting down and writing. I will go online when I can to visit other blogs, and hopefully I will be back blogging here again around 29th December, but at a less frequent rate.
A good Yule and a very happy and peaceful Christmas to all my blog friends and visitors - and as the man says, don't sweat the small stuff (note to self: that applies to you too).
Mary, I didn't know you'd lived in Paris, let alone that long. I'm sure you have stories...
I do hope your mini-crisis is smoothly resolved, and soon. You indicate it will take a while but for your sake I hope it goes more quickly than that—whatever it is, "crisis" is never a pleasant label!
Have a wonderful holiday, my webby friend! Your presence will be missed, so stop in when you can. But most important, enjoy your friends and your break. I appreciated and was amused by your note-to-self and will take note myself. :-)
Happy holidays to you!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful Parisian street at Christmas. What wonderful memories.
I think it's that time of year for us all to withdraw to real life (a strange phrase!) and to write a bit less.
Enjoy your holidays. I feel like I have been enriched by knowing you.
Mary: My late best friend was from Nice? Anyway it's been much too long since I posted here and know you are always welcome to my site while you take a breaher! Have a Nice Holiday!!
Happy Christmas, Mary! Hope you have some enjoyable and restful times despite the mini-crisis. Remember the days get lighter from today on.
Gorgeous photo - reminds me I mean to visit Paris and France more often next year.
I'm going to see the parrot film today or tomorrow :-)
That's a beautiful picture. How lucky that you got to live in Paris. Have a wonderful Christmas.
Wonderful picture, Mary! I enjoyed your recollections of Paris very much. Merry Christmas and best of luck dealing with whatever you have in front of you.
Moose/Patry/Michael/Tamar/Beth/Heather/Jean: Thank you all very much for your kind wishes. The mini-crisis is being dealt with by a couple of neighbours and myself. More details another time maybe. I'm so glad to know you all in cyberspace.
Heather: welcome, nice to have you here. Thanks for coming by.
PS: Jean: enjoy the film ;-)
Beautiful photo, Mary!
What a lovely memories from Paris!
I wish to you a Nice, Peaceful and Happy Christmas!
Your friend from Brazil, Sonia.
Mary best of luck with everything. And Happy Holidays to you. It's been nice having you stop by and I will check back after the holidays.
Love the Snowy paris pic.
Messy Christmas, Hippo New Year, Good Yule, Happy Hanukkah, etc.
Sending energy to solve your problem.
A merry Christmas to you, Mary. I've been enjoying your blog of late--and the Parisian photo is lovely.
Here's hoping the coming weeks bring many blessings and not too much stress.
Your last Christmas there? May it be your best ever Mary!
Love to you, Mary! A great gift to me of this year has been your appearance in it! I hope the crises resolves easily and well.
Merry Christmas, Mary! What a beautiful photo. Surprising to see snow in Paris, no doubt more so to be there firsthand. I hope your holidays are as peaceful as possible. Much joy and warmth your way...
Magnifique photo !
Noel tel que nos rêves d'enfants l'imaginent : lumières , couleurs , animation...neige ...
Hi Mary! I was away in Kuala Lumpur for the last few days. Hope it's not too late to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Hope you had a wonderful one! hugs*
Thank you all so much for your kind wishes. I feel lucky to know you in cyberspace.
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