Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Unwelcome guests

Autumn is bringing me
deep emotions as guests this year
and they are ones I would not now
willingly have in my house;
but yet I must receive them
since I extended the invitation,
albeit half-unwittingly.

So I open up my store of
memories for them to feed on.
And I light the candles, and
stack more logs by the hearth
and decorate the table with red and gold

and perhaps, later, the musicians will come
and we will at the end learn to dance together.


Blogger MB said...


4:55 pm  
Blogger MB said...

Let me know when you've learned how to do that dance, Mary, because I could use some lessons!

11:50 pm  
Blogger Mary said...

I will, moose, ;-)

7:19 am  
Blogger ruth said...

I'm on my way Mary!

How do people live without these seasonal invitations? I feel sure your hearth will warm your guests and send them on their way...hang in there.

8:42 am  
Blogger Jean said...

Such a beautiful though, to try and comfort and celebrate your the rich complexity of your life, even when that complexity is painful.

10:35 am  
Blogger Jean said...

That was meant to read 'beautiful thought', of course...

1:32 pm  
Blogger Mary said...

Ruth: You're welcome any time! and thank you for your encouragement.

Jean: One of the pleasures of blogging I am finding is the chance to create something positive using seemingly negative raw material (i.e. my own discomfort over the past couple of weeks). I feel that is something you and other bloggers achieve as well.

7:22 pm  
Blogger Dale said...


10:28 pm  

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