Sunday, October 09, 2005


My fear of exacerbating my existing internet compulsivity was one of the reasons I hesitated before starting a blog. And after almost one month of blogging, the amount of my time spent on the net really has not changed that much. I am still not comfortable with my patterns of behaviour around internet use, they get in the way sometimes of other things I want to do/should be doing. I am therefore going to have two days in the week as computer ‘fasting’ days.

Tuesday and Saturday are the days I have chosen, though this may change from time to time through real life factors. If you find me around on either of these days I am breaking my commitment, so feel free to tell me off.

Yesterday was my first experiment, and from 8.00 am Saturday to 8.00 am Sunday I packed my laptop away out of sight, knowing that it was not an option. And the day took on a spaciousness that is absent when I dart backwards and forwards at intervals to blog or surf. I phoned a couple of friends, did housework, read the paper, gave a back massage to a friend as a birthday gift and then listened to a Jeff Buckley CD. Phone calls to more friends followed and a deliciously lazy couple of hours on the sofa with supper and a good TV programme.

Back on line this morning, but a confidence has been born that I can, bit by bit, re-establish some balance and structure into a life that has been emotionally and physically unmanageable of late. This is supported by a renewed commitment to a daily meditation practice.

It has been a most beautiful and sunny early autumn Sunday here in London. I walked by the Thames on the way to a meeting, did some shopping then spent a relaxed hour with a former work colleague having a cappucino and catching up on news. And now back home to start preparing for the final week in my current job.


Blogger Unknown said...

Very nice site. I've linked you! I must say that I don't think there's a "hard and fast rule" about Blogging. So, I admire your relaxed approach. Many of my friends take the weekends off. I don't and hope you'll visit my site today for a good laugh! Cheers!!

6:10 pm  
Blogger Mary said...

Michael: Welcome, and thanks for the comment and input re blogging.

Jarrett: Thank you! It's really good to have a visit from you. I have been a silent admirer of your writing for a while now.

9:52 pm  
Blogger Dale said...

Oh, good. I was hoping that I wasn't leading you into temptation, by urging you to blog :-)

6:24 am  
Blogger MB said...

I agree, balance is an important goal!

10:31 pm  
Blogger leslee said...

Great idea. I should do this on weekends - weekdays I'm usually online working, so it's awfully hard not to check blogs when I'm already at my computer! Maybe a couple of nights a week would be good, too. Time does open up when you're not tied to the electronic time-sucking device (much as I love the great connections it's also afforded me).

6:52 pm  
Blogger Mary said...

Dale: Unfortunately I am the person most likely to lead myself into temptation! These days I am generally able to extricate myself from it more skilfully where necessary....not always though.

Moose and Leslee: Balance is very hard to maintain I find as it is not a fixed quality.

Leslee, I picked 1 weekend day and 1 work day. Having said that, I have to go online at the moment on Tuesdays on my work PC for work purposes. The embargo applies primarily to my home laptop where I have been spending hours at a time if I'm in on Tuesday evenings.

5:29 am  

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