
The original of this card was sent to me from India by a friend.
Susurra's recent poignant posts are a reminder of how strong the bond can be between human and animal, and how the animals we live with make their own space in our hearts and lives. And how much we can miss them when they go.
Thanks so much for your kind words, here and on my blog. Today we got a new little friend to help fill the hole in our hearts left by Lydia. He is named "Mango." I hope we have as many sweet years with him.
I had no idea when we rescued Moby, how much my dear one would soften and get wholly squishy about a cat. He is our feline family, the warm spot in our lives as well as at our feet on the bed. I didn't know I would love a small furry alien so much.
Susan: I have been so pleased to read at your blog about the latest developments on the feline front!
Zhoenw: Welcome. I know, I know, cats in particular wind their way around our hearts ...
October , 07
very beautiful !!!
Tous mes voeux de bonheur pour 2006 !!!
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